cnc roll grinder

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    Cnc Roll Grinder

    Cnc Roll Grinder

    Purpose and performance characteristics of machine tools This machine tool is suitable for grinding various roll profiles with medium height or concavity on medium and small rolling mills. It can grind cylindrical roll necks and other external workpieces after removing the copying device. The longitudinal movement of the machine tool table is continuously driven by hydraulic pressure. It can also be driven by hand wheel. The horizontal feed of the grinding wheel frame can also be performed by hydraulic automatic micro feed and rapid advance or retreat or hand wheel feed. Grinding wheel frame and table rail are hydrostatically lubricated. Workpiece, grinding wheel, oil pump, water pump, etc. are driven by separate motors. Setiap bagian yang bergerak dari alat mesin memiliki struktur yang saling terkait listrik, hidrolik, dan mekanis, yang aman dan andal untuk dioperasikan.

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